Each year, PCMS PTSA awards grant money to teachers and staff curriculum enrichment and student educational support. The PTSA holds two grant cycles per year, typically approving requests in the fall and spring.
Grants are made possible through generous family donations, and our annual “Pass the Hat” fundraiser. Thank you to all who donate to support our enthusiastic teachers and staff and to benefit our students' learning experience while at PCMS.
How to apply for grants? Complete the GRANT APPLICATION FORM, obtain appropriate signatures within department and school, then forward completed document to PCMS PTSA Grants Chair, Laura Gaffney. Grant requests are open to everyone within our PCMS community.
How are grants selected? The Grant Committee reviews applications, evaluating on multiple criteria, including specificity, merit, impact, costs, and need. With due diligence, the Grant Committee and Chair provide a detailed summary of all applications, making recommendations to the PTSA Board of Directors who then vote on the recommendations. The approved grant information is then shared at the next General Membership Meeting.
For more information, questions, submissions, contact PCMS PTSA Grants Chair, Laura Gaffney.
PCMS PTSA Annual Grants Timeline:
Typical Grant Cycle: | Due Date: |
Fall | September 30th, 2024 |
Spring | March 14th, 2025 |
Approved PCMS PTSA Funded Grants: $61,864
2023-24 PCMS PTSA Grants Curricular Support Total: approx $3,900
Choral Tracks (to support sectional rehearsals) | Choir |
Everyday Speech Social Emotional supplemental curriculum | LRC |
Pocket Translators for MLL students | Multilanguage Learning |
Cricut Materials | School Community |
Breakout EDU Locks | Math/Science/Social Studies |
Hanayama Math Puzzles | Math |
8th Grade Advanced LA Book Publishing support | Language Arts |
Calm Room & Makerspace Supplies | Counseling |
Prizes for Positive Recognition program | School Community |
Living Voices Theater Virtual Performance | Social Studies |
Microwaves for Lunch Room | School Community |
2022-23 PCMS PTSA Grants | Curricular Support | Total: approx $7,250 |
Gizmos online subscription | Science | |
Reading Prizes | Library/Reading | |
Living Voices Historical Theater | Social Studies | |
Pencil Sharpeners & Calculators | Math | |
Calm room & Makerspace Supplies | Counseling | |
Board Games | Lynx Life | |
Planting Project | Science | |
Hummingbird Duo Sensors | Inventors Lab/Science | |
Cameras | Yearbook | |
Fish & Supplies | Science | |
Microphones | Drama |
2020-21 PCMS PTSA Grants | Curricular Support | Total: $4,003.97 |
"GIZMOS" On-line Subscription | Science | |
New and Upgraded Library Supplies | Library | |
"Living Voices" Visual Performance | History | |
Audio-Visual Engineer | Choir | |
Reading Bingo Program Support | Library | |
XP-Pen Artist 12 Pro | Math | |
Laptop Stylus Equipment | Math | |
2019-20 PCMS PTSA Grants | Curricular Support | Total: $6,727 |
"Living Voices" Visual Performance | History | |
Museum of Flight - Night Sky | Science | |
Portable music stands
Library reading nook | Library | |
"Gobbling up Great Books" Prizes
Career Fair | School-wide |
2018-19 PCMS PTSA Grants
Curricular Support
Total: $9,200
MOHAI Trunk Kits | History | |
Museum of Flight - Night Sky | Science | |
Hanayama Puzzles | Science | |
9 RC Drones/4 Spare Part Sets | Robotics | |
Bookopoly Prizes | Library | |
Choir Accompanist | Choir | |
“Living Voices” Visual History | History | |
Study.com Subscriptions | School-wide | |
Privacy Testing and Work Shields | School-wide | |
ALA Conference & Training | Library | |
Circuit Explore Air 2 | Robotics | |
Green Team Garden | School-wide | |
Tall Desks and Chairs | Science |
2018-19 PCMS PTSA Grants | Curricular Support | Total: $16,875.75 |
Drum Pads | Band | |
Principles of Flight | Elective Course | |
Density Measurement Sets | Science | |
Hummingbird Robotics Kit | Robotics | |
Tall Desks and Chairs | Science | |
New Classroom Stools | Science | |
Stools Tech Classrooms | Technology | |
Study.com Subscriptions | History | |
Camera and Tripod
Innovator's Mindset Workbooks
Privacy Test &Work Desk Shields
Supplemental Reading Books
Jr. Scholastic Current Events
Living Voices Visual Performance
2017-18 PCMS PTSA Grant Funding | Curriculum Support | Total: $13,912 |
Museum of Flight Field Trip | Science | |
MLK Day Assembly and Speaker | School-wide | |
Canvas Prints | Photography | |
Robotics Molecular Module Kits | Robotics | |
Scholastic Math Magazine | Math | |
Upgraded Video Tech & Components | Science | |
Inventors Lab Workbooks | Science | |
Study.com Subscriptions | History | |
Study.com Subscription | Spanish | |
Supplemental Reading Books | Health |